About the ICE Committee

The Intergovernmental Committee for Economic and Labour Force Development (ICE) is a unique vehicle for cross-government collaboration to advance economic and labour force development in Toronto. 

  • It builds bridges between the supply and demand sides of labour force development.
  • It identifies partnership opportunities and synergies between programs.
  • It improves human resources planning and economic development in Toronto by expanding the shared knowledge base and relationships among the key public sector players in labour force and economic development and helping to coordinate joint initiatives.

ICE activities are made possible by the financial support of Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada and the City of Toronto Economic Development & Culture Division


Originally formed in 1997 by officials in the Government of Canada, the Province of Ontario and the City of Toronto, ICE has played a key role in bringing together critical players to advance Toronto’s labour force and economic development for over twenty years.


Download Committee Overview (ICE Intro Presentation 2025)



  •  To share relevant information on current and upcoming federal, provincial and municipal services, initiatives and projects related to economic and labour force development in Toronto.
  • To hold networking and other events of interest to the public, private and not-for-profit sectors on topics which encourage collaborative and innovative approaches to economic and labour force development in Toronto.
  • To commission and publish research that can inform increased policy and program understanding and coherence in the areas of economic and labour force development in Toronto.
  • To increase public access to information related to Toronto economic and labour force development by maintaining its website (icecommittee.org) as an information clearing house.



ICE members are drawn from the departments and ministries involved with economic development and labour force development activities in Toronto at all three orders of government. It is a working level committee. Each member contributes an in-depth understanding of the issues, programs, policies and projects in their own portfolio to the Committee’s discussions and work program. Each member is the connection between the Committee and the department or ministry they represent, bringing  ICE initiatives, partnership opportunities and the information learned through the committee back to their colleagues and executive management. This broader network allows ICE to assist people in contacting appropriate government officials, in receiving feedback on specific initiatives and in influencing directions or actions.

Current ICE members include representatives from:

  • City of Toronto: Economic Development & Culture; Employment & Social Services; Shelter and Support Services (Refugee Response) and Social Development, Finance & Administration Divisions (Toronto Newcomer Office and Youth Employment Partnerships).
  • Province of Ontario: Ministries of Labour, Immigration, Training & Skills Development; Economic Development, Job Creation & Trade.
  • Government of Canada: Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada; Innovation, Science & Economic Development Canada;  Service Canada; and FedDev Ontario.

The ICE Network

 Over 500 people form a broader network of stakeholders across the Toronto economic and labour force development ecosystem. They receive updates from ICE about new research findings, innovations and upcoming events, and are invited to attend at least two special forums a year which incorporate opportunities for informal networking as well as presentations and discussions.


For more information email –

ICE Committee