Research by the Institute for Competitiveness & Prosperity

Offers training sessions at border locations lasting one to three days that include a briefing on exporting and export service and programs available inCanada. See *MED’s New Exporters to Border States (NEBS) GOVERNMENT CONTACT: See Export USA for contact * Ministry of Economic Development
Offers sector-specific training sessions at border locations lasting one to three days that include a briefing on exporting and export services and programs available in Canada. The training sessions are run together with trade shows, thus providing networking opportunities to potential Canadian exporters. GOVERNMENT CONTACT: See Export USA for contact
The program supports the efforts of Team Canada Inc. partners to increase the number of active Canadian exporters to the United States. It provides export familiarization and education as a general introduction for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It is provided in three components: Exporters to the United States (EXTUS), New Exporters to Border States (NEBS) and Reverse … Read more
The Small Business Internship Program provides small and medium-sized enterprises financial support to hire a post secondary student intern to assist them in their adoption of e-business strategies to increase their productivity and competitiveness. For more information go to
The $550M SD Tech FundTM is aimed at supporting the late-stage development and pre-commercial demonstration of clean technology solutions: products and processes that contribute to clean air, clean water and clean land, that address climate change and improve the productivity and the global competitiveness of the Canadian industry. SDTC does not require any repayments of … Read more
Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is a not-for-profit foundation that finances and supports the development and demonstration of clean technologies which provide solutions to issues of climate change, clean air, water quality and soil, and which deliver economic, environmental and health benefits to Canadians.SDTC operates two funds aimed at the development and demonstration of innovative … Read more
The Knowledge Infrastructure Program was a 2-year, $2-billion measure to support infrastructure enhancement at post-secondary institutions, including universities and community colleges, across Canada. The program promoted employment and provided economic stimulus, and generated the advanced technological infrastructure needed to keep Canada’s research and educational facilities at the forefront of scientific advancement. For more information go to … Read more
Genome Canada received $75 million in the 2010 Federal Budget to continue to play an important role in the federal government’s science and technology and innovation agendas. Since 2000, the Canadian federal government has invested $840 M in Genome Canada, to which has been added close to $1.0 billion in partnered co-funding and interest earnings. … Read more
The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) is a not-for-profit corporation that supports networks of Canadian and international researchers who conduct long-term research on scientific, social and economic issues. Working in association with Canadian and international institutions, CIFAR provides opportunities for eminent scholars to add to the research base in Canada. CIFAR supports 12 research … Read more
The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) is a national charity dedicated to championing tomorrow’s entrepreneurial nation builders. CYBF offers stakeholders four fully integrated programs that are built around the ‘life cycle’ of a young entrepreneur, that help to ensure the success of every new start-up: pre-launch coaching, business resources, start-up financing and mentoring. For more … Read more
The Canada Small Business Financing Program seeks to increase the availability of loans for establishing, expanding, modernizing and improving small businesses. It does this by encouraging financial institutions to make their financing available to small businesses. Under the Program, a small business must apply for a loan at a financial institution (bank, credit union or … Read more
“The Automotive Innovation Fund (AIF) will provide automotive firms $250 million over five years to support strategic, large-scale research and development (R&D) projects to build innovative, greener, more fuel-efficient vehicles. The AIF will support Canada’s environmental agenda in advancing Canadian capabilities in fuel-efficient automotive technologies and greenhouse gas reduction. Under the AIF, Industry Canada will … Read more
The Investment Accelerator Fund (IAF) is an early stage seed fund designed to help Ontario-based, start up and early stage technology companies bring their products and services to market. Through investment of up to $500K, the IAF helps launch high potential technology ventures. Applications may be submitted on a continous basis. For more … Read more
BizPaL is an online service that simplifies the business permit and license process for entrepreneurs, governments, and third party business service providers. Easy and convenient, BizPaL provides Canadian businesses with one-stop access to permit and license information for all levels of government.
SME Benchmarking Tool (formerly Performance Plus) offers industry-specific income statement and balance sheet data for small and medium sized businesses. SME Benchmarking Tool allows you to: Estimate the operating costs for your new business View financial performance averages in your industry Enter your own financial data to see how your business measures up to comparably … Read more
Small Business Research and Policy is a small business resource site that includes an extensive collection of Industry Canada research on small business and entrepreneurship, together with links to other sites, as well as comprehensive statistics on Canadian small businesses.
NUANS® Name Search System is a computerized search system that compares a proposed corporate name or trade-mark with databases of existing corporate bodies and trade-marks. This comparison determines the similarity that exists between the proposed name or mark and existing names in the database, and produces a listing of names that are found to be … Read more
Corporations Canada allows Canadians and businesses to incorporate at the federal level in accordance with Canadian laws, such as the Canada Business Corporations Act, the Canada Corporations Act, the Boards of Trade Act and the Canada Cooperative Associations Act, regulations and several corporate laws governing federal companies (with the exception of financial intermediaries). It also … Read more
The Computers for Schools program in Ontario (CFSO) is administered by Renewed Computer Technology (RCT). The Computers for Schools Ontario program’s primary focus of providing renewed technology, skill development opportunities and environmental leadership delivers triple bottom line community benefits: social, economic and environmental. Firstly, the program helps to meet the demand for computers in the … Read more
NCE fosters powerful partnerships between university, government, and industry. Networks of Centres of Excellence funded by the program are designed to develop Canada’s economy and improve the quality of life of Canadians. The program provides funding to invest in national research networks, determined by open and targeted competitions. See for more information. GOVERNMENT CONTACT: Lyne … Read more
For more than 30 years, the Communications Research Centre (CRC) has been the leading federal government laboratory for advanced communications R&D. CRC believes that business success starts with access to technologies, facilities and expertise. CRC is committed to helping small and medium-sized high-tech companies make the Canadian economy strong. The CRC Innovation Centre is a great … Read more
The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) is an independent corporation created by the Government of Canada to fund research infrastructure. The CFI’s mandate is to strengthen the capacity of Canadian universities, colleges, research hospitals, and non-profit research institutions to carry out world-class research and technology development that benefits Canadians. Support from the CFI enables institutions … Read more
Energy Efficiency Program: The program seeks to integrate energy efficiency/renewable energy technologies into infrastructure projects. Large Energy Projects: Funded initiatives will facilitate the engagement of Aboriginal peoples and northerners in energy-related activities, and implement renewable energy technologies and alternative energy technologies for economic development. Must have verifiable GHG and CAC emissions reductions. For more information … Read more
Aboriginal Business Canada is a program of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC). Working with clients and partners, they provide a range of services and support that is helping to promote the growth of a strong Aboriginal business sector in Canada. Support varies depending upon the needs of the client, the availability, and sources … Read more
The PSAB works to help Aboriginal firms do more contracting with all federal government departments and agencies and assists Aboriginal businesses gain access to the overall procurement process. The PSAB, while led by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development (AAND) Canada , is a Government of Canada initiative. All federal government departments and agencies are encouraged to participate … Read more
Helping to create employment opportunities for Aboriginal people is one of the ways Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) fulfills its mandate to improve the quality of life of Aboriginal peoples and their communities. AANDC makes it easier for employers to access qualified Aboriginal candidates. This in turn, increases Aboriginal employment opportunities, helps employers … Read more
The Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) First Job program is a follow-on opportunity for Ontario companies who have previously partnered with OCE and an Ontario academic institution on a research project. First Job connects talented master’s or Ph.D. graduates with growing companies across Ontario that need highly skilled talent for research and development roles in … Read more
The Legal Excellence Program, which is offered in two phases, provides employment opportunities to law students, articling law students, and junior lawyers and notaries.
The Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) helps match students with federal departments and agencies for temporary jobs by maintaining a national inventory of students seeking employment within the federal public service.
The Apprenticeship Completion Grant (ACG) is a $2,000 taxable cash grant designed to encourage apprentices registered in a designated Red Seal trade to complete their apprenticeship program and receive their certification. The completion grant will be offered to apprentices who complete their training, become certified journeypersons in a designated Red Seal trade and who obtain … Read more
The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG) is a taxable cash grant available to registered apprentices once they have successfully completed their first or second year/level (or equivalent) of an apprenticeship program in one of the Red Seal trades. Here is the Red Seal trade designation by province or territory. Apprentices should be aware that there is … Read more
This program, offered by the YMCA Canada and the YWCA Canada, will place up to 1000 unemployed young Canadians on paid three to twelve month internships with not-for-profit, charitable, cooperative and/or voluntary organizations across Canada. For more information and to apply: click on Youth Eco Internship Program
Service Canada Centres for Youth (SCCY) offer a number of services specially designed to help students find a job, including detailed job postings in a variety of fields, many links to employers, useful information on workplace health and safety and other government programs and services. For more information, visit a Service Canada Centre for Youth … Read more
Work sharing is an adjustment program designed to help employers and employees avoid temporary layoffs when there is a reduction in the normal level of business activity that is beyond the control of the employer. The measure provides income support to employees eligible for Employment Insurance benefits who work a temporarily reduced work-week. Work-Sharing Agreements … Read more
Canada Summer Jobs is an initiative of the Summer Work Experience program. It provides funding for not-for-profit organizations, public-sector employers, and small businesses with 50 or fewer employees to create high-quality summer job opportunities for students between the ages of 15 and 30. Canada Summer Jobs is about: • providing work experiences for students • … Read more
This page provides information on a number of programs and services that the federal government has introduced to improve the viability of small businesses. It provides important links for accessing services and important information about these programs. The following link allows business owners to select the service or program of their choice and search resources … Read more
This program offers youth the chance to gain real work experience within the Government of Canada and can help them develop employability skills. These internships are offered across Canada in a wide variety of fields, such as agriculture, arts, administration, and the environment. There are opportunities available to suit various interests and career goals—even for youth without previous work experience. … Read more
The Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS) is a community-based program that relies on communities to determine their own needs and to develop appropriate projects. The HPS works to prevent and reduce homelessness across Canada through: investments in transitional and supportive housing through a housing-first approach; support to community-based efforts to prevent and reduce homelessness; partnerships between … Read more