Remote Work: Urban Panacea or Curse?

Date(s) - 26 Sep 2024
3:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Campbell Conference Centre, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto




The onset of the global Covid-19 turbocharged the shift to remote and hybrid work. This shift has also raised many questions: what are the impacts of remote and hybrid work on productivity? What are the impacts on labour force participation? On equity-deserving workers? On the urban built environment? Is it time to re-imagine urban office space?

The event presented and discussed the key findings from the ICE-commissioned research study “Remote Work: Urban Panacea or Curse?” Study authors Drs. Shauna Brail and Tara Vinodrai of the University of Toronto’s Institute for Management and Innovation summarized their research.  Matti Siemiatycki, Professor of Geography and Planning and Director of the Infrastructure Institute at the University of Toronto, then moderated discussions with a panel and with audience members.  The panelists were Christa Haanstra, Director, ClarityHub Inc.; Rory McNeil, Senior Planner, City of Toronto; and Mary Rowe, President & CEO, Canadian Urban Institute.


The presentation slides can be downloaded here

The research report can be downloaded here.

A full recording of the event can be watched here


Study Authors & Speakers

Shauna Brail, University of Toronto

Shauna Brail is Associate Professor and Director at the Institute for Management & Innovation, University of Toronto Mississauga and holds a cross-appointment at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto. As an economic geographer and urban planner, her research focuses on the transformation of cities as a result of economic, social, and cultural change.

Tara Vinodrai, University of Toronto

Dr. Tara Vinodrai is trained as an economic geographer and her research program focuses on innovation, economic development, work and labour market dynamics, and technological change in cities. Additionally, She has long-standing interests in the creative/cultural industries, clusters, and the geography of innovation. She is the Director of the Master of Urban Innovation program at the Institute for Management and Innovation (UTM).


Matti Siemiatycki, University of Toronto

Matti Siemiatycki is a Professor of Geography and Planning and the Director of the Infrastructure Institute at the University of Toronto. His work focuses on delivering large-scale infrastructure projects, evidence-based infrastructure investment decisions, and the effective integration of infrastructure into cities.



Christa Haanstra, 4C Strategy

Christa is the Founder and Managing Director of 4C Strategy group, a company dedicated to advancing meaningful change. She partners with organizations including the Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence to create awareness and co-create strategies and approaches to improve the lives of caregivers. She currently leads the Working Caregiver project on behalf of CCCE.

Rory McNeil, City of Toronto

Rory McNeil is a Senior Planner with the City of Toronto’s City Planning Division in Strategic Initiatives, Policy, and Analysis. She is currently the project lead on the Office Space Needs Study.

Mary Rowe, Canadian Urban Institute

Mary W. Rowe is President and CEO of the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI). For over 30 years, Mary has acted as an impassioned civic leader and a leading urban advocate championing place-based approaches to building livable and resilient cities


The ICE Committee would like to acknowledge the generous support of the Government of Canada and the City of Toronto which made both the research and the event possible. 


ICE Committee